Spiritual Messages and Teachings for LDS Youth and Youth Leaders

Category Archives: Articles

How Do I Repent? Part 3

Abandonment of Sin

One discontinues his error when he has a full realization of the gravity of his sin and when he is willing to comply with the laws of God. The thief may abandon his evil in prison, but true repentance would have him forsake it before his arrest and return his booty without enforcement. The sex offender as well as any other transgressor who voluntarily ceases his unholy practices is headed toward forgiveness. (Page 180)

How Do I Repent? Part 2

Conviction of and Sorrow for Sin

That doesn’t mean just saying, “Oh, I’m supposed to be sorry? Oh, okay. I’m sorry.” It’s a little more involved than that. Go ahead and read President Kimball’s explanation:

To be sorry for our sin, we must know something of its serious implications. . . . We are sorry. We are willing to make amends, pay penalties, to suffer excommunication, if necessary. . . .

If one is sorry only because his sin was uncovered, his repentance is not complete. Godly sorrow causes one to harness desire and to determine to do right regardless of consequences; this kind of sorrow brings righteousness and will work toward forgiveness. (Page 180)

How Do I Repent? Part 1

Every soul confined to a concentration camp of sin and guilt has a key to the gate. The adversary cannot hold them if they know how to use it. The key is labeled repentance.
—Boyd K. Packer

This chapter is going to be a challenge. I wonder if you would mind helping me with this one. Before I write much more, I need some input from you. I need to know if you’re understanding what I’m writing. How can we do that? Hey, I have an idea! Would you like to go on a field trip to my computer room in Provo, Utah? Wow, such excitement! Do you think you could somehow climb through this book and come out of my computer and sit here for a second and help me write this? Go ahead, just stick your face in the book, or close your eyes and say, “Oh, Auntie Em, there’s no place like home,” or something. Are you ready? Go ahead, try it . . .


As a youth in the Church, your immediate concern may be over a date for an event this very week, and yet decisions concerning dating have something to do with generations long before our time and also future generations for years to come. It is a big decision! To date or not to date, who, when and where.

Why should I take the Sacrament each week?

Why should I take the Sacrament each week?
I’ll never forget that day in Sacrament meeting. I was in high school and was sitting on the same bench with a family that lived next door to me. They had a daughter about my age and she and I were good friends. Occasionally this girl liked to keep her sacrament cup after the sacrament had been passed; this was one of those days. She had the sacrament cup in her mouth, quietly popping it with her teeth, when she had to cough. When she breathed in, the sacrament cup had nowhere to go but straight down her throat. Her eyes bulged when she realized what happened and she quickly left the meeting with her dad. Fortunately, the cup didn’t cut off her airway completely and after a few tense (and afterwards, funny) moments, she was just fine. The real tragedy of the day was my attitude. I thought to myself, “If only every Sunday could be this cool.” How was it that I had completely missed the true meaning of the Sabbath and the Sacrament week after week?


One woman, hoping to help J. Golden Kimball break his habit of swearing, held up President Heber J. Grant as an example. “Brother Kimball,” she said, “have you ever heard President Grant swear?”

“Just once,” Brother Kimball replied. “He and I were in St. George together during the depression. It was summer, the crops were dying for want of water, the people were starving. We prayed with them for rain, but our prayers were not answered. I said, ‘It’s a ——ed shame!’ and President Grant said, ‘Yes, it is'”

How can I have more fun at dances?

By: John Hilton III and Anthony Sweat From the Web Site: LDSWHY.COM Our friend Devin Toma recently gave some tips for how to get more from dances. We thought they were funny. These are not intended to be gospel doctrine, but just something fun to think about. The two tips are: 1. No yakking 2. […]


How to checklist:

1. Recognize that your date is a child of God; never to do anything immoral; be obedient.

2. Keep good hygiene; be clean, neat in appearance.

3. Have good manners, etiquette; say “please,” “thank you”; be courteous.

4. Keep curfews; be respectful of date’s parents.

Value Dating Ideas

VALUE DATING IDEAS WHITE: FAITH 1. Read the scriptures. 2. Go to church. 3. Go to a visitor’s center. 4. Do genealogy. 5. Write in your journal. BLUE: DIVINE NATURE 1. Go to a crowded place, watch people, and try to discover if they know they have a divine nature (take notes). How can you […]

Is There Life Before Sixteen? On Your Mark, Get Ready, Get Set, Date PART 4

By: Michael W. Allred From the book: Serving With Strength Throughout the World In the early years of dating, we often fail to plan meaningful activities, so we end up driving around, asking each other what we want to do. I feel sorry for the girl who is asked out on a date where all […]